

1. How are "points" calculated?

新玩家有1000點。每次你一殺,你獲得一定的積分 根據一)受害人的分等級,以及b)您所使用的武器。如果你殺了人 比你多,那麼你獲得更多的積分比,如果你殺了人具有較低的高點評級 分等級比你多。因此,殺新手不會讓你就殺了#1的球員。 如果你殺了人用你的刀,你獲得的,如果你殺了他們用步槍比更多的積分, 例如。

當你殺死了,你失去了一定的積分,而這又依賴於分等級 您的殺手,他們所使用的武器(你不會失去很多分被殺害 #1玩家比你做被殺害的低排名選手用刀步槍)。這使得 移動的排名更容易,但讓住在最高點更難。



受害人積分=受害者點 - (受害者點/殺手點數)×武器修改器×5


Player Action PlyrPlyr Action 事件 事件 事件 Player Reward 團隊獎勵 排名
No No No Attacker Wins 0 Attackers +10 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Defender Wins 0 Defenders +10 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Domination (4 kills) +3 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Double Kill (2 kills) +1 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No God Like (12 kills) +11 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Headshot +1 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Killing Spree (9 kills) +8 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Mega Kill (6 kills) +5 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Monster Kill (10 kills) +9 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Ownage (7 kills) +6 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Rampage (5 kills) +4 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Round Bonus Score 0 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Russian Army Wins 0 Russian Army +10 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Triple Kill (3 kills) +2 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No U.S. Army Wins 0 U.S. Army +10 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Ultra Kill (8 kills) +7 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
No No No Unstoppable (11 kills) +10 Battlefield: Bad Company 2

2. What are all the weapon points modifiers?

武器分修飾符用來決定你應該多少分獲得或失去的時候 你犯了一個殺人或其他玩家被殺死。高修飾符表明,更多的積分 殺了那個武器時將獲得(同樣,更多的積分時,將丟失 被殺害的武器)。改性劑一般為0.00〜2.00。

武器 名稱 使用此武器加分倍數 排名
870MCSV (NAM) 870MCS 1.50 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
AK47V (NAM) AK47 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
ATM-00V (NAM) Anti-Tank Mine 3.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
KNV-1V (NAM) Combat Knife 3.50 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
HG-2V (NAM) Hand Grenade 3.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
GARANDV (NAM) M1 1.50 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
MAC10V (NAM) M10 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M16A1V (NAM) M16A1 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M1911V (NAM) M1911 2.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M1A1_THOMPSONV (NAM) M1A1 Thompson 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M2V (NAM) M2 1.50 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M21V (NAM) M21 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M40V (NAM) M40 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M60V (NAM) M60 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M79V (NAM) M79 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
MORTARV (NAM) Mortar 1.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PPSHV (NAM) PPSh 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
ROADKILLV (NAM) Roadkill 2.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
RPG7V (NAM) RPG-7 1.80 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
RPKV (NAM) RPK 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
SVDV (NAM) SVD 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
SYRINGEV (NAM) Syringe 2.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
TNTV (NAM) TNT Explosive 3.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
TORCHV (NAM) Torch 3.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
TT33V (NAM) TT-33 2.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
UZIV (NAM) UZI 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
XM22V (NAM) XM22 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
40MMGL 40mm Grenade 1.80 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
40MMSG 40mm Shotgun 1.80 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
40MMSMK 40mm Smoke Launcher 1.80 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
870MCS 870 Combat 1.50 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
9A91 9A-91 Avtomat 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
KORN 9M133 Kornet 1.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
AEK971 AEK-971 Vintovka 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
AKS74U AKS-74U Krinkov 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
AN94 AN-94 Abakan 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
ATM-00 Anti-Tank Mine 3.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
DTN-4 C4 Explosive 3.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
F2000 F2000 Assault 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
G3 G3 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
GOL GOL Sniper Magnum 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
HG-2 Hand Grenade 3.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
KNV-1 KNV-1 3.50 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
KORD KORD 1.00 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
GARAND M1 1.50 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M136 M136 AT4 1.80 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
MK14EBR M14 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M16 M16A2 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M16K M16A2 - Specact 1.20 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
M2CG M2 Carl Gustav AT 1.80 Battlefield: Bad Company 2

3. How can I edit my profile and set real name, e-mail address, homepage and ICQ number?

Player profile options can be configured by saying the appropriate gameme_set command while you are playing on a participating gameserver. To issue commands, push your chat key and type the command text.

Syntax: say /gameme_set option value

Acceptable "options" are:

  • realname
    Sets your Real Name as shown in your profile.
    Example: /gameme_set realname Joe Bloggs

  • email
    Sets your E-mail Address as shown in your profile.
    Example: /gameme_set email joe@hotmail.com

  • homepage
    Sets your Home Page as shown in your profile.
    Example: /gameme_set homepage http://www.geocities.com/joe/

  • icq
    Sets your ICQ Number as shown in your profile.
    Example: /gameme_set icq 123456789

Note: These are not standard Half-Life console commands. If you type them in the console, Half-Life might give you an error.

4. My rank is embarrassing. How can I opt out?

Say /gameme_hideranking while playing on a participating gameserver. This will toggle you between being visible on the Player Ranking and being invisible.

Note: You will still be tracked and you can still view your Player Details page. Use the Search page to find yourself.